Holden VE Key Cutting

Case Studies

JOB TYPE Holden VE Key Cutting


JOB DESCRIPTION Holden VE Replacement Key Cutting in Lockridge

Going out for a night on the town can be expensive, but when you return to your vehicle the next morning and realise you’ve lost your only car key it can be a really expensive night! Don’t let it happen to you!

We always suggest getting a spare car key programmed and keeping in somewhere safe just in case.

This week we were out to Lockridge to help a customer who had just one car key for his Holden VE. Whilst we were in Lockridge cutting, coding and programming the replacement key into the customer’s Commodore, he told us that we had recently helped out his friend who had lost his only car key after a night out in the city. Keen to avoid a similar situation he had contacted his friend for our details. A good move we say!

Losing all your car keys can be inconvenient and expensive. As a mobile service we provide hassle free car key replacement and as your local automotive locksmith you can trust us with your vehicle – which for many like our Lockridge customer is so much more than a car, but a precious asset! Don’t keep pushing your luck with only one car key!

For all your Holden VE key cutting needs, or any other make/model you may have, ask us for a quote today!

Simply call us on 0433 933 223 or contact us by email.
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Holden VE Key Cutting
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