Automotive Locksmiths in Perth

Case Studies

JOB TYPE Automotive Locksmiths in Perth


JOB DESCRIPTION Toyota Yaris Spare Key in Mosman Park

Car key cutting and car key programming from scratch can be a lot more costly than people realise. As most cars on the road now are fitted with immobiliser systems, car keys are much more complicated than simply a key.

As automotive locksmiths in Perth, we utilise specialised programming equipment to program car keys to individual vehicles and each vehicle make and model varies. Rather than taking a chance with only one car key, it’s best to organise a spare car key as soon as you find yourself with only one working car key.

This week we helped out a customer from Mosman Park who heeded our advice and was keen to organise a spare car key for their Toyota Yaris. The customer had seen our vehicle driving around Perth and took note of our details. Later that day they gave us a call and we arranged a time to be at their home in Mosman Park the next day. We were able to cut, code and program a new key to their Toyota Yaris and they commented on how easy the whole process was for them. Not only do we specialise in car key cutting and car key programming, we can also assist with vehicle lockouts and, if it does happen – when you find yourself in an ‘all keys lost’ situation!

For all of your Toyota key programming needs, or any other make/model you may have, ask us for a quote today!

Simply call us on 0433 933 223 or contact us by email.
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Automotive Locksmiths in Perth

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